Waverley Medical Practice

Coatbridge Health Centre, 1 Centre Park Court, Coatbridge, ML5 3AP
Telephone: 01236 422311

Need a Walking Aid or Wrist Splint?

Drop in clinics are now available in the following Physiotherapy Departments:


Airdrie Health Centre – Monday lunchtime between 12pm and 1.30pm

Coatbridge Health Centre – Tuesday mornings between 10.30am – 12pm

Central Health Centre, Cumbernauld – Thursday mornings between 10.30am – 12pm


Pick up a self-referral form from the Practice, or click on the link below to download, and take this to the drop-in clinic.

Please be aware that some items will need to be ordered and you may need to come back and collect the item(s) you have been assessed for.

If the drop in clinic has a high volume of patients, it may not be possible for you to be seen and you will be asked to attend the next clinic at your convenience.

Self-Referral for Walking Aid or Wrist Splints

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